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Stuck with Choreography? Watch Adonia’s Top 4 Picks to Get the Creative Juices Flowing!

When trying to create a belly dance piece that will provide great Chicago Entertainment, at times I have had struggles getting my creative juices flowing which had left me feeling defeated. Have you ever had this moment…you are sitting in the practice room and in an attempt to create something new, you end up improving the same song so many times that no matter what you try the same movement just keeps coming out?

At this moment you sit there and think... "yep, it's official, I am all out of creative brain juice. It's gone, I have nothing left". Often as we lay on the floor looking at the ceiling in mental defeat, it can be so easy to simply quit. Oh boy do I ever so much want to give up and go take my anger out on some virtual bad guys (video games) or just veg out on the sofa during times like these.

Recently, I decided that I was not going to allow this to be an option. Instead, I now grab a bite to eat and take a 15-30min break (I turn on a timer so I know when it's time to get back to it). One thing that has really helped motivate me during this time is to begin surfing YouTube for inspiration from my favorite belly dance entertainment masters. Trust me this works!

As you surf the web don't feel that you must finish watching every video that you click. After all, you only have a little bit of time to give yourself the chance to fill up your creative brain juice meter with enough that will create a spark and push you outside of your box. If you find one that isn't that interesting quickly move on. You don't want to mentally keep what is not inspiring.

As you watch, notice the ones that you can't keep your eyes off of. Analyze what is drawing you to this belly dancer. What is it that is captivating, unique, or keeps you on the edge of your seat? Do not watch the same 5 seconds over and over trying to copy the moves, just simply absorb what you see. Keep mental notes of these inspiring moments or actually write them down. Then immediately get up and dance using those inspirational thoughts and words to guide you to your next breakthrough.

Here are 4 inspirational videos I have found with this method...maybe they will inspire you too!

Ruby Beh at the Bad Boys of Belly Dance Show

Dovile from Lithuania at the "Queen of the Pyramid" competition

Alla Kushnir

Darya Mitskevich I hope that after watching these videos and reading this blog you will possibly give this method a try when you feel stuck and need to create an exciting show that provides amazing entertainment. Go see what you can create! Happy Dancing! xoxo Your Chicago Entertainer and belly dancer Adonia

Chicago Belly Dance Blog

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